Optional semifinals selection for the 8th International Adolphe Sax Competition, October-November 2023!
This piece in three movements plunges us into the precision and subtlety of French music from the time of Francis Poulenc. Very well done and composed "in style", this piece will allow us to study the repertoire of the early 20th century.
The first movement (Allegro), mono-thematic, borrows melodic colors and uses essentially the theme presented in the first bar. It is a lively movement, although in the middle of it we find a slow section consisting of beautiful melodic phrases.
The slow movement (Interlude) relies on many changes of tonal colors and confusing enough for students, but it nevertheless has an easily identifiable structure (ABA), and leit-motifs from the exhibition are the framework in development.
The third movement is a very lively bi-thematic rondo, bringing the musician through rich melodic colors.
In this piece, very little articulation work, but essentially a melodic work, of accuracy, of phrasing, of color and style.
My opinion: a beautiful piece that adds to our repertoire, to present to your students, to own in your library and especially to play and communicate.
--comments by Monsieur Stephane Sordet, translated from original French review for ASaxWeb. Used with permission.
Click to hear Mvt. I - Allegro
Click to hear Mvt. II - Intermezzo
Click to hear Mvt. III - Rondeau a la francaise
*Audio selections used with the kind permission of Ties Mellema.